Oracle Within
Oracle Within
Oracle Within
Oracle Within

Oracle Within

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Oracle Within-

The ancient call back to self with compassion and confidence

This is a unique blend created in 2020 as one of 3 blends. It is the trilogy. The last blend and one of the most important for ourselves. This is about Boundaries setting and role playing being aware and mindful and clearing ourself,making ,having & taking the time to return back to ourselves. The oracle within is a reminder to come home to you. Stop,Spray & smell. I have many blends to help with all sorts of issues but I feel sometimes we have certain people in our lives and also certain unique situations and specific challenges that we must endure,we must have that compassion and confidence to ourselves our own Oracle Within to walk take those steps,to walk the path and to accept the journey ahead to complete and fulfill our role,that is NOW required of us. This is huge and it is the very core of relationships and relating RELATING to ourselves firstly our own oracle understanding who we are and how we communicate and who we become when relating to others. The message becomes clearer the more we practice returning to our hearts,which is our home and where the oracle within lives,the more we realise all the answers are within.  This blend was born this year as the final blend to my set of 3 ,Miracles & Stillness, it has taken me all my life to create,its formula is a secret as it contains all the seasons,all the directions,all the elements in harmony. By wearing Oracle Within as a perfume you are being called to return home an ancient call back to centre. you can also spray this in any room you go to for soulitude and serenity and prayer and peace and maybe you have your own sacred alter or a place you go too,to return home,this blend can be used there. It’s sweet,it’s deep ,it’s uplifting,it’s grounding and it’s clearing ❤️🙏🌻

Filiz Halil InfiniteU & energy express. 2020

Energy express