Give yourself or a friend the gift of a beautiful space! Each spray in this kit is 50ml & designed for each room in your house. Read our suggestions below then choose which area in your house requires the energy of each!
All blends here are from our original collections, Watch more here!
Relax Rest & Sleep - Bedroom/lounge
Blended to create stillness and quiet time wherever you may be, day or night it will help you unwind, sleep or ease you within stressful situations at work or within daily life.
Essential Oils of
- Lavender, chamomile, geranium and bergamot soothing & nurturing you together with Clear quartz and Sodalite Crystals which bring you emotional balance and openness of the spiritual perception allowing for healing, meditation and relaxing.
Energy Clearing - Lounge/entire house
A spark of life in a bottle by clearing your personal energy and the energy of any space you spend time in...
Essential Oils of
- Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sage & Lemon, together with clear quartz and black tourmaline acting as your shield, helping you to clear any negative energy within your aura and space. The combined 9 essential oils work together to uplift, clear, restore, refresh and bring balance and harmony. This blend is fresh, alive, active and stimulating.
Love & Passion - Bedroom
Love & Passion is made to ignite the passion and love within yourself, your bedroom and space!
Essential Oils of
- Patchouli, Rose, Geranium, Mandarin
- Clear Quartz & Red Garnet crystals, Beautiful and sweet blend to keep you feeling warm, nurtured and comforted
Sacred Space & Peace- Meditation
A blend created for meditation and Quite Time. It helps you unwind and allows you to take time out to reflect on life.
Essential Oils of
- Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Mandarin
- Crystals of Clear Quartz, Amethyst & Blue Lace. Being Still and receptive allows you to receive information you may need to hear, feel or see, use this blend before a massage or before beginning anything that is sacred and special to you.
Abundance & Success - Office
Blended to encourage deep belief in your own abilities to create what you want and to bring you a positive energy boost to help you achieve your dreams.
Essential Oils of
- Cedar wood, lemongrass and Citrus Blends, combined with garnet and clear quartz crystal.
Representing the earth element it is through nurturing ourselves that we are then truly able to feel our inner success & abundance.
Each bottle is sold at $25 individually
Please leave a note in the order notes if you would like a different blend in your house bundle. House bundle excludes the 360 degree set and any new blends.