Sacred Smoke- Loose Herbs of Bay Leaf, Rosemary, Lavender, Grandfather sage, Olive Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Frankincense & Myrrh resin ,sandalwood and wormwood are combined together with loving intention, to help restore the balance of harmony of your personal body and in your space.
There is something very special about smoke that dates back to thousands of years. The fire is sacred and before electricity and the modern world we live in today, Fire was used for cooking,heating,healing in many ways in daily life. Ofcourse that makes sense that the act of burning herbs on charcoal is a very old practise that can help bring and bridge further connection to our past heritage and ancestors.
Smoke permeates through everything it is AIR and as we breathe in the PURE plant straight from SOURCE it heals us. It heals our spaces. For individual herbs you can do some research into why these specific herbs I am using now.
Always sit down and take a few moments before you light up your charcoal to burn,make sure you have something fire proof to put your coal into ,BE PATIENT WAIT few minutes for the coal to turn greyish ontop then it’s ready for you to add your pinch of herbs,place it ontop and breathe in the wonderful aroma. Also I like to start outside my home,to offer the smoke to the land,to the elders ,to our ancestors and any invisible energy,the trees that we have picked to be able to use to help us,the plant kingdom,pay your respects and gratitude always. Then walk into the room you wish to clear and or turn the bowl around your body and enjoy. There is no right or wrong just be you and enjoy the beginning of beautiful healing smoke that dates back thousands of years 🙏❤️ Filiz
Scientific research says these Herbs can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. When these herbs are burned they releases negative ions, which is linked to putting people into a positive mood.
30 Grams of Hand picked, blended & dried organic herbs to be used with coal.
Please use with mindfulness, burning as required a small amount on top of the charcoal, asking for the clearing and cleansing of your aura and space.
- All of these herbs have been hand selected for their unique and powerful healing and clearing properties.
- Blended with love, I will share a little prayer with you that I like to say, please add your own words and make it special to what you need for your space.
- “ as I stand in the centre of my home, with my burning coal, the smoke and scent of natures gifts helping to clear and
- uplift………………………………
- I ask that any energies that I no longer need be cleared from me and my home. I believe in the power of your own personal involvement and your intentions. Please Speak this clearly and let it flow, be natural, be you Say whatever is on your mind, Walk into each room you feel needs clearing, please also open up the windows and allow fresh air to enter the room. Clean and Clear and then please RESET your energy to the new space and silently give gratitude. Filiz.